--- home: true icon: home title: Home heroImage: https://cdn.liteyuki.icu/static/svg/lylogo-full.svg heroImageDark: https://cdn.liteyuki.icu/static/svg/lylogo-full-dark.svg bgImage: bgImageDark: bgImageStyle: background-attachment: fixed heroText: LiteyukiBot tagline: LiteyukiBot A high-performance, easy-to-use chatbot framework and application actions: - text: Get Started icon: rocket link: ./deployment/install.html type: primary - text: Usage icon: book link: ./usage/basic_command.html highlights: - header: Simple and Efficient image: /assets/image/layout.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-dark.svg bgImageStyle: background-repeat: repeat background-size: initial features: - title: 支持多种框架 icon: robot details: 兼容nonebot,melobot等,拥有良好的生态支持 link: https://nonebot.dev/ - title: 便捷管理 icon: plug details: 使用包管理器,便捷管理插件及资源包 - title: 主题支持 icon: paint-brush details: 使用资源包对外观进行完全自定义 link: https://bot.liteyuki.icu/usage/resource_pack.html - title: 国际化 icon: globe details: 通过资源包支持多种语言 link: https://baike.baidu.com/item/i18n/6771940 - title: 简易使用 icon: cog details: 无需繁琐前期过程,开箱即用 link: https://bot.liteyuki.icu/deployment/config.html - title: 超高性能 icon: tachometer-alt details: 500个插件,2s内启动 - title: 滚动更新 icon: cloud-download details: 让你的机器人保持最新提交 - title: 开源项目 icon: code details: 项目遵循MIT LICENCE开源,欢迎各位的贡献 - header: 快速部署 image: /assets/image/box.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-dark.svg highlights: - title: 安装 Git 及 Python3.10+ - title: 使用 git clone https://github.com/LiteyukiStudio/LiteyukiBot --depth=1 以克隆项目至本地。 details: 如果无法连接到GitHub,可以使用 git clone https://gitee.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot --depth=1。 - title: 使用 cd LiteyukiBot 切换到项目目录。 - title: 使用 pip install -r requirements.txt 安装项目依赖。 details: 如果你有多个 Python 环境,请使用 pythonx -m pip install -r requirements.txt。 - title: 使用 python main.py 启动项目。 copyright: © 2021-2024 SnowyKami All Rights Reserved ---