diff --git a/Lisence b/Lisence new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14e80210 --- /dev/null +++ b/Lisence @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +LSO license +LiteyukiStudio Opensource license + +--- + +版权所有 © 2024 Snowykami + +--- + +免费向任何获得副本的人或组织授予以相同许可为基础的权利 + +包括但不限于使用、复制、修改、合并、发布、分发、再许可和/或出售软件的副本 + +本软件及相关文档文件(以下简称"本软件")在相同方式许可为基础, 以开源的形式发布于互联网抑或其他媒体介质平台 + +任何人都有权利获取副本并以上述方式获取许可传播和/或使用 + +但获取副本时仍需注意: + +- 上述版权声明和本许可声明应包含在本软件的副本中 + - 使用本软件及其副本时仍需保持与原有形式相同 + +- 在使用时仍需将本软件的副本以相同许可公开表现: + - 不得未经原作者允许将本软件的副本以非原许可的形式对外盈利 + +--- + +该软件按"原样"之副本提供,不提供任何形式的任意保证,明示或暗示: +包括但不限于适销性保证, 适用于特定目的非侵权 + +在任何情况下, 作者或版权所有者对任何非因作者或版权所有者使用该软件造成的索赔、损害或其他责任, 无论是在合同诉讼、侵权行为还是其他诉讼中都不具有责任, 作者及其版权所有者有权利驳回使用者因个人原因造成的任何损失之赔付 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/MIT-LSO-AGC.LICENSE b/MIT-LSO-AGC.LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f029a959 --- /dev/null +++ b/MIT-LSO-AGC.LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# 开源声明 + +MIT-LSO-AGC许可(cn) +本声明推荐Markdown格式阅读 + +## 版权声明 + +版权所有(c) 2024 Snowykami + +## 开源许可声明 + +现授予任何人以同仓库许可的开源,包含: +本软件或本库和相关文档文件(以下简称“软件”) + +在本软件或本库中不受限制,包括但不限于**非侵犯MIT-LSO-AGC许可**的: +- 使用 +- 复制 +- 修改 +- 合并 +- 发布 +- 分发 +- 再许可和/或受到许可的销售本软件的副本 + +并要求或强烈建议使用本软件或库时: +- 将上述版权声明和本许可声明包含在所有本软件或本库的副本或主要部分 + +--- + +本软件或本库按“原样”提供,不提供任何形式的、明确或隐含的,包括但不限于适销性保证,适合特定用途和非侵权性 + +## 责任声明 + +在任何情况下都不得在使用本软件或库时,在本协议许可的情况下,以损害或其他责任追责,无论是在合同诉讼、侵权行为或其他情况下,抑或是由以下原因引起: +由于或与本软件有关,或是使用,或其他交易 +都与本软件,库作者无责任关系,非作者使用本软件或本库并造成任何损失的行为与作者无关 + +--- + + +## 搬运声明 + +在前提开源许可的基础上: + +**未经允许不得**搬运至商业性平台**并且**进行**付费行为或疑似未得到许可的交易行为** + +**不得**在搬运本仓库至**其他私有/公有开源镜像代码托管网站**时未经允许修改**任何**关于**原库的内容** + +### 包括但不限于: + +- 将`github`修改为`gitcode` +- 篡改外链网址 +- 修改贡献者名单 +- 未经原作者允许私自占有仓库并声明为自己所有 +- 未经允许修改库原先所有的开源协议许可 +等 + +--- diff --git a/en.lisence b/en.lisence new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c93dc52 --- /dev/null +++ b/en.lisence @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +LSO license +LiteyukiStudio Opensource license + +--- + +Copyright © 2024 Snowykami + +--- + +Free to grant the same license-based rights to any person or organization who obtains a copy + +including but not limited to using, copying, modifying, merging, publishing, distributing, sublicenseing, and/or selling copies of the software + +This software and related documentation files (hereinafter referred to as "this software") are licensed in the same way as the base, and are released in the form of open source on the Internet or other media platforms + +Everyone has the right to obtain a copy and obtain permission to distribute and/or use it in the above manner + +However, when obtaining a copy, it is still necessary to pay attention to the following: + +- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in a copy of the Software + - When using this software and its copies, it is still necessary to maintain the same form as the original + +- When using this software, you still need to disclose the copy of this software under the same license: + - Do not profit from copies of this software in a non-original license without the permission of the original author + +--- + +The software is provided as a "copy as is" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied: +including but not limited to the warranty of merchantability, non-infringement for specific purposes + +In any case, the author or copyright owner shall not be liable for any claims, damages, or other liabilities arising from the use of the software by the author or copyright owner, whether in contract litigation, infringement litigation, or other litigation. The author and its copyright owner have the right to refuse compensation for any losses caused by the user for personal reasons \ No newline at end of file