This commit is contained in:
snowykami 2024-09-03 18:58:00 +00:00
parent e05a58c30a
commit 2766e29772
110 changed files with 299 additions and 299 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
import{R as p}from"./chunks/theme.Cbp6nyHc.js";import{U as o,aa as u,ab as l,ac as c,ad as f,ae as d,af as m,ag as h,ah as g,ai as A,aj as y,d as P,u as v,y as w,x as C,ak as R,al as b,am as E,an as S}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";function i(e){if(e.extends){const a=i(e.extends);return{...a,...e,async enhanceApp(t){a.enhanceApp&&await a.enhanceApp(t),e.enhanceApp&&await e.enhanceApp(t)}}}return e}const s=i(p),T=P({name:"VitePressApp",setup(){const{site:e,lang:a,dir:t}=v();return w(()=>{C(()=>{document.documentElement.lang=a.value,document.documentElement.dir=t.value})}),e.value.router.prefetchLinks&&R(),b(),E(),s.setup&&s.setup(),()=>S(s.Layout)}});async function j(){globalThis.__VITEPRESS__=!0;const e=D(),a=x();a.provide(l,e);const t=c(e.route);return a.provide(f,t),a.component("Content",d),a.component("ClientOnly",m),Object.defineProperties(a.config.globalProperties,{$frontmatter:{get(){return t.frontmatter.value}},$params:{get(){return}}}),s.enhanceApp&&await s.enhanceApp({app:a,router:e,siteData:h}),{app:a,router:e,data:t}}function x(){return g(T)}function D(){let e=o,a;return A(t=>{let n=y(t),r=null;return n&&(e&&(a=n),(e||a===n)&&(n=n.replace(/\.js$/,".lean.js")),r=import(n)),o&&(e=!1),r},s.NotFound)}o&&j().then(({app:e,router:a,data:t})=>{a.go().then(()=>{u(a.route,,e.mount("#app")})});export{j as createApp};
import{R as p}from"./chunks/theme.B3wRU1ER.js";import{U as o,aa as u,ab as l,ac as c,ad as f,ae as d,af as m,ag as h,ah as g,ai as A,aj as y,d as P,u as v,y as w,x as C,ak as R,al as b,am as E,an as S}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";function i(e){if(e.extends){const a=i(e.extends);return{...a,...e,async enhanceApp(t){a.enhanceApp&&await a.enhanceApp(t),e.enhanceApp&&await e.enhanceApp(t)}}}return e}const s=i(p),T=P({name:"VitePressApp",setup(){const{site:e,lang:a,dir:t}=v();return w(()=>{C(()=>{document.documentElement.lang=a.value,document.documentElement.dir=t.value})}),e.value.router.prefetchLinks&&R(),b(),E(),s.setup&&s.setup(),()=>S(s.Layout)}});async function j(){globalThis.__VITEPRESS__=!0;const e=D(),a=x();a.provide(l,e);const t=c(e.route);return a.provide(f,t),a.component("Content",d),a.component("ClientOnly",m),Object.defineProperties(a.config.globalProperties,{$frontmatter:{get(){return t.frontmatter.value}},$params:{get(){return}}}),s.enhanceApp&&await s.enhanceApp({app:a,router:e,siteData:h}),{app:a,router:e,data:t}}function x(){return g(T)}function D(){let e=o,a;return A(t=>{let n=y(t),r=null;return n&&(e&&(a=n),(e||a===n)&&(n=n.replace(/\.js$/,".lean.js")),r=import(n)),o&&(e=!1),r},s.NotFound)}o&&j().then(({app:e,router:a,data:t})=>{a.go().then(()=>{u(a.route,,e.mount("#app")})});export{j as createApp};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
import{g as c}from"./theme.Cbp6nyHc.js";import{d as e,o as a,c as n,j as t,t as i,k as p,_ as u}from"./framework.C4_mTacX.js";const _="",o="LiteyukiStudio/LiteyukiBot",b=`${_}${o}`,m={class:"contributor-bar"},l=e({__name:"ContributorBar",setup(h){const r=`${o}`,s=`${b}/graphs/contributors`;return(d,f)=>(a(),n("div",m,[t("h2",null,i(p(c)("thx_contributors")),1),t("a",{href:s},[t("div",{class:"contributor-list"},[t("img",{src:r,alt:"Contributors"})])])]))}}),k=u(l,[["__scopeId","data-v-bc374713"]]);export{k as C};
import{g as c}from"./theme.B3wRU1ER.js";import{d as e,o as a,c as n,j as t,t as i,k as p,_ as u}from"./framework.C4_mTacX.js";const _="",o="LiteyukiStudio/LiteyukiBot",b=`${_}${o}`,m={class:"contributor-bar"},l=e({__name:"ContributorBar",setup(h){const r=`${o}`,s=`${b}/graphs/contributors`;return(d,f)=>(a(),n("div",m,[t("h2",null,i(p(c)("thx_contributors")),1),t("a",{href:s},[t("div",{class:"contributor-list"},[t("img",{src:r,alt:"Contributors"})])])]))}}),k=u(l,[["__scopeId","data-v-bc374713"]]);export{k as C};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
import{C as e}from"./chunks/ContributorBar.D3yPbWeK.js";import{c as o,I as i,a9 as l,o as t}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";import"./chunks/theme.Cbp6nyHc.js";const a=l("",16),g=JSON.parse('{"title":"开发指南","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"开发指南","order":0},"headers":[],"relativePath":"dev/","filePath":"zh/dev/","lastUpdated":1725389024000}'),r={name:"dev/"},m=Object.assign(r,{setup(d){return(c,u)=>(t(),o("div",null,[a,i(e)]))}});export{g as __pageData,m as default};
import{C as e}from"./chunks/ContributorBar.aSfd1N0s.js";import{c as o,I as i,a9 as l,o as t}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";import"./chunks/theme.B3wRU1ER.js";const a=l("",16),g=JSON.parse('{"title":"开发指南","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"开发指南","order":0},"headers":[],"relativePath":"dev/","filePath":"zh/dev/","lastUpdated":1725389024000}'),r={name:"dev/"},m=Object.assign(r,{setup(d){return(c,u)=>(t(),o("div",null,[a,i(e)]))}});export{g as __pageData,m as default};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
import{C as e}from"./chunks/ContributorBar.D3yPbWeK.js";import{c as o,I as t,a9 as i,o as r}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";import"./chunks/theme.Cbp6nyHc.js";const a=i("",16),p=JSON.parse('{"title":"Development Guide","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Development Guide","order":0},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/dev/","filePath":"en/dev/","lastUpdated":1725389024000}'),l={name:"en/dev/"},g=Object.assign(l,{setup(n){return(d,s)=>(r(),o("div",null,[a,t(e)]))}});export{p as __pageData,g as default};
import{C as e}from"./chunks/ContributorBar.aSfd1N0s.js";import{c as o,I as t,a9 as i,o as r}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";import"./chunks/theme.B3wRU1ER.js";const a=i("",16),p=JSON.parse('{"title":"Development Guide","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Development Guide","order":0},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/dev/","filePath":"en/dev/","lastUpdated":1725389024000}'),l={name:"en/dev/"},g=Object.assign(l,{setup(n){return(d,s)=>(r(),o("div",null,[a,t(e)]))}});export{p as __pageData,g as default};

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{_ as e,c as t,o as i}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"layout":"home","hero":{"name":"LiteyukiBot","tagline":"An integrated chat bot application and management framework","actions":[{"theme":"brand","text":"🚀 Get Started","link":"./deploy/install"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📖 Manual","link":"./usage/basic"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📦 Extensions","link":"./store/"}],"image":{"light":"/liteyuki.svg","dark":"/liteyuki-dark.svg","alt":"Liteyuki Logo"}},"features":[{"title":"Ecological Diversity","icon":"🛠️","details":"Based on the liteyuki framework, compatible with any Python bot framework and application","link":"./dev/api/api"},{"title":"Pluggable","icon":"🧩","details":"Use package manager for convenient management of plugins and resource packs","link":"./store/plugin"},{"title":"Customizable","icon":"🎨","details":"Fully customize the appearance using resource packs","link":"./store/resource"},{"title":"Localization","icon":"🌐","details":"Support for multiple languages through resource packs","link":""},{"title":"Easy to use","icon":"⚙️","details":"No complicated pre-process, ready to use out of the box","link":"./deploy/config"},{"title":"High Performance","icon":"🚀","details":"500 plugins, starts within 2 seconds"},{"title":"Rolling Updates","icon":"☁️","details":"Keep your robot up to date with the latest commits"},{"title":"Open Source","icon":"📄","details":"The project follows the LSO LICENSE and is open to contributions","link":""}]},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/","filePath":"en/","lastUpdated":1725389841000}'),a={name:"en/"};function o(n,s,l,r,c,d){return i(),t("div")}const m=e(a,[["render",o]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{_ as e,c as t,o as i}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"layout":"home","hero":{"name":"LiteyukiBot","tagline":"An integrated chat bot application and management framework","actions":[{"theme":"brand","text":"🚀 Get Started","link":"./deploy/install"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📖 Manual","link":"./usage/basic"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📦 Extensions","link":"./store/"}],"image":{"light":"/liteyuki.svg","dark":"/liteyuki-dark.svg","alt":"Liteyuki Logo"}},"features":[{"title":"Ecological Diversity","icon":"🛠️","details":"Based on the liteyuki framework, compatible with any Python bot framework and application","link":"./dev/api/api"},{"title":"Pluggable","icon":"🧩","details":"Use package manager for convenient management of plugins and resource packs","link":"./store/plugin"},{"title":"Customizable","icon":"🎨","details":"Fully customize the appearance using resource packs","link":"./store/resource"},{"title":"Localization","icon":"🌐","details":"Support for multiple languages through resource packs","link":""},{"title":"Easy to use","icon":"⚙️","details":"No complicated pre-process, ready to use out of the box","link":"./deploy/config"},{"title":"High Performance","icon":"🚀","details":"500 plugins, starts within 2 seconds"},{"title":"Rolling Updates","icon":"☁️","details":"Keep your robot up to date with the latest commits"},{"title":"Open Source","icon":"📄","details":"The project follows the LSO LICENSE and is open to contributions","link":""}]},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/","filePath":"en/","lastUpdated":1725389841000}'),a={name:"en/"};function o(n,s,l,r,c,d){return i(),t("div")}const m=e(a,[["render",o]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
import{_ as e,c as t,o as i}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"layout":"home","hero":{"name":"LiteyukiBot","tagline":"An integrated chat bot application and management framework","actions":[{"theme":"brand","text":"🚀 Get Started","link":"./deploy/install"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📖 Manual","link":"./usage/basic"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📦 Extensions","link":"./store/"}],"image":{"light":"./liteyuki.svg","dark":"./liteyuki-dark.svg","alt":"Liteyuki Logo"}},"features":[{"title":"Ecological Diversity","icon":"🛠️","details":"Based on the liteyuki framework, compatible with any Python bot framework and application","link":"./dev/api/api"},{"title":"Pluggable","icon":"🧩","details":"Use package manager for convenient management of plugins and resource packs","link":"./store/plugin"},{"title":"Customizable","icon":"🎨","details":"Fully customize the appearance using resource packs","link":"./store/resource"},{"title":"Localization","icon":"🌐","details":"Support for multiple languages through resource packs","link":""},{"title":"Easy to use","icon":"⚙️","details":"No complicated pre-process, ready to use out of the box","link":"./deploy/config"},{"title":"High Performance","icon":"🚀","details":"500 plugins, starts within 2 seconds"},{"title":"Rolling Updates","icon":"☁️","details":"Keep your robot up to date with the latest commits"},{"title":"Open Source","icon":"📄","details":"The project follows the LSO LICENSE and is open to contributions","link":""}]},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/","filePath":"en/","lastUpdated":1725202704000}'),a={name:"en/"};function o(n,s,l,r,c,d){return i(),t("div")}const m=e(a,[["render",o]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
import{_ as e,c as t,o as i}from"./chunks/framework.C4_mTacX.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"layout":"home","hero":{"name":"LiteyukiBot","tagline":"An integrated chat bot application and management framework","actions":[{"theme":"brand","text":"🚀 Get Started","link":"./deploy/install"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📖 Manual","link":"./usage/basic"},{"theme":"alt","text":"📦 Extensions","link":"./store/"}],"image":{"light":"./liteyuki.svg","dark":"./liteyuki-dark.svg","alt":"Liteyuki Logo"}},"features":[{"title":"Ecological Diversity","icon":"🛠️","details":"Based on the liteyuki framework, compatible with any Python bot framework and application","link":"./dev/api/api"},{"title":"Pluggable","icon":"🧩","details":"Use package manager for convenient management of plugins and resource packs","link":"./store/plugin"},{"title":"Customizable","icon":"🎨","details":"Fully customize the appearance using resource packs","link":"./store/resource"},{"title":"Localization","icon":"🌐","details":"Support for multiple languages through resource packs","link":""},{"title":"Easy to use","icon":"⚙️","details":"No complicated pre-process, ready to use out of the box","link":"./deploy/config"},{"title":"High Performance","icon":"🚀","details":"500 plugins, starts within 2 seconds"},{"title":"Rolling Updates","icon":"☁️","details":"Keep your robot up to date with the latest commits"},{"title":"Open Source","icon":"📄","details":"The project follows the LSO LICENSE and is open to contributions","link":""}]},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/","filePath":"en/","lastUpdated":1725202704000}'),a={name:"en/"};function o(n,s,l,r,c,d){return i(),t("div")}const m=e(a,[["render",o]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More