--- title: liteyuki.comm.storage --- ### `@shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'get')` ### *func* `on_get()`
Source code ```python @shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'get') def on_get(data: tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]): key = data[1]['key'] default = data[1]['default'] recv_chan = data[1]['recv_chan'] recv_chan.send(shared_memory.get(key, default)) ```
### `@shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'set')` ### *func* `on_set()`
Source code ```python @shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'set') def on_set(data: tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]): key = data[1]['key'] value = data[1]['value'] shared_memory.set(key, value) ```
### `@shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'delete')` ### *func* `on_delete()`
Source code ```python @shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'delete') def on_delete(data: tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]): key = data[1]['key'] shared_memory.delete(key) ```
### `@shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'get_all')` ### *func* `on_get_all()`
Source code ```python @shared_memory.passive_chan.on_receive(lambda d: d[0] == 'get_all') def on_get_all(data: tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]): recv_chan = data[1]['recv_chan'] recv_chan.send(shared_memory.get_all()) ```
### `@channel.publish_channel.on_receive()` ### *func* `on_publish()`
Source code ```python @channel.publish_channel.on_receive() def on_publish(data: tuple[str, Any]): channel_, data = data shared_memory.run_subscriber_receive_funcs(channel_, data) ```
### **class** `Subscriber` ### *method* `__init__(self)`
Source code ```python def __init__(self): self._subscribers = {} ```
### *method* `receive(self) -> Any`
Source code ```python def receive(self) -> Any: pass ```
### *method* `unsubscribe(self) -> None`
Source code ```python def unsubscribe(self) -> None: pass ```
### **class** `KeyValueStore` ### *method* `__init__(self)`
Source code ```python def __init__(self): self._store = {} self.active_chan = Channel[tuple[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]]](_id='shared_memory-active') self.passive_chan = Channel[tuple[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]]](_id='shared_memory-passive') self.publish_channel = Channel[tuple[str, Any]](_id='shared_memory-publish') self.is_main_receive_loop_running = False self.is_sub_receive_loop_running = False ```
### *method* `set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None` **Description**: 设置键值对 **Arguments**: > - key: 键 > - value: 值
Source code ```python def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """ 设置键值对 Args: key: 键 value: 值 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: lock = _get_lock(key) with lock: self._store[key] = value else: self.passive_chan.send(('set', {'key': key, 'value': value})) ```
### *method* `get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]` **Description**: 获取键值对 **Arguments**: > - key: 键 > - default: 默认值 **Return**: Any: 值
Source code ```python def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any]=None) -> Optional[Any]: """ 获取键值对 Args: key: 键 default: 默认值 Returns: Any: 值 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: lock = _get_lock(key) with lock: return self._store.get(key, default) else: recv_chan = Channel[Optional[Any]]('recv_chan') self.passive_chan.send(('get', {'key': key, 'default': default, 'recv_chan': recv_chan})) return recv_chan.receive() ```
### *method* `delete(self, key: str, ignore_key_error: bool = True) -> None` **Description**: 删除键值对 **Arguments**: > - key: 键 > - ignore_key_error: 是否忽略键不存在的错误
Source code ```python def delete(self, key: str, ignore_key_error: bool=True) -> None: """ 删除键值对 Args: key: 键 ignore_key_error: 是否忽略键不存在的错误 Returns: """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: lock = _get_lock(key) with lock: if key in self._store: try: del self._store[key] del _locks[key] except KeyError as e: if not ignore_key_error: raise e else: self.passive_chan.send(('delete', {'key': key})) ```
### *method* `get_all(self) -> dict[str, Any]` **Description**: 获取所有键值对 **Return**: dict[str, Any]: 键值对
Source code ```python def get_all(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ 获取所有键值对 Returns: dict[str, Any]: 键值对 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: return self._store else: recv_chan = Channel[dict[str, Any]]('recv_chan') self.passive_chan.send(('get_all', {'recv_chan': recv_chan})) return recv_chan.receive() ```
### *method* `publish(self, channel_: str, data: Any) -> None` **Description**: 发布消息 **Arguments**: > - channel_: 频道 > - data: 数据
Source code ```python def publish(self, channel_: str, data: Any) -> None: """ 发布消息 Args: channel_: 频道 data: 数据 Returns: """ self.active_chan.send(('publish', {'channel': channel_, 'data': data})) ```
### *method* `on_subscriber_receive(self, channel_: str) -> Callable[[ON_RECEIVE_FUNC], ON_RECEIVE_FUNC]` **Description**: 订阅者接收消息时的回调 **Arguments**: > - channel_: 频道 **Return**: 装饰器
Source code ```python def on_subscriber_receive(self, channel_: str) -> Callable[[ON_RECEIVE_FUNC], ON_RECEIVE_FUNC]: """ 订阅者接收消息时的回调 Args: channel_: 频道 Returns: 装饰器 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS and (not self.is_main_receive_loop_running): threading.Thread(target=self._start_receive_loop, daemon=True).start() shared_memory.is_main_receive_loop_running = True elif not IS_MAIN_PROCESS and (not self.is_sub_receive_loop_running): threading.Thread(target=self._start_receive_loop, daemon=True).start() shared_memory.is_sub_receive_loop_running = True def decorator(func: ON_RECEIVE_FUNC) -> ON_RECEIVE_FUNC: async def wrapper(data: Any): if is_coroutine_callable(func): await func(data) else: func(data) if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: if channel_ not in _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs: _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_] = [] _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_].append(wrapper) else: if channel_ not in _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs: _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_] = [] _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_].append(wrapper) return wrapper return decorator ```
### `@staticmethod` ### *method* `run_subscriber_receive_funcs(channel_: str, data: Any)` **Description**: 运行订阅者接收函数 **Arguments**: > - channel_: 频道 > - data: 数据
Source code ```python @staticmethod def run_subscriber_receive_funcs(channel_: str, data: Any): """ 运行订阅者接收函数 Args: channel_: 频道 data: 数据 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: if channel_ in _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs and _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_]: run_coroutine_in_thread(*[func(data) for func in _on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_]]) elif channel_ in _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs and _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_]: run_coroutine_in_thread(*[func(data) for func in _on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs[channel_]]) ```
### *method* `_start_receive_loop(self)` **Description**: 启动发布订阅接收器循环,在主进程中运行,若有子进程订阅则推送给子进程
Source code ```python def _start_receive_loop(self): """ 启动发布订阅接收器循环,在主进程中运行,若有子进程订阅则推送给子进程 """ if IS_MAIN_PROCESS: while True: data = self.active_chan.receive() if data[0] == 'publish': self.run_subscriber_receive_funcs(data[1]['channel'], data[1]['data']) self.publish_channel.send(data) else: while True: data = self.publish_channel.receive() if data[0] == 'publish': self.run_subscriber_receive_funcs(data[1]['channel'], data[1]['data']) ```
### **class** `GlobalKeyValueStore` ### `@classmethod` ### *method* `get_instance(cls)`
Source code ```python @classmethod def get_instance(cls): if cls._instance is None: with cls._lock: if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = KeyValueStore() return cls._instance ```
### ***var*** `_on_main_subscriber_receive_funcs = {}` - **Type**: `dict[str, list[ASYNC_ON_RECEIVE_FUNC]]` - **Description**: 主进程订阅者接收函数 ### ***var*** `_on_sub_subscriber_receive_funcs = {}` - **Type**: `dict[str, list[ASYNC_ON_RECEIVE_FUNC]]` - **Description**: 子进程订阅者接收函数 ### ***var*** `shared_memory = GlobalKeyValueStore.get_instance()` - **Type**: `KeyValueStore`