# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2020-2024 LiteyukiStudio. All Rights Reserved @Time : 2024/8/19 上午6:23 @Author : snowykami @Email : snowykami@outlook.com @File : mkdoc.py @Software: PyCharm """ import ast import os import shutil from typing import Any from enum import Enum from pydantic import BaseModel NO_TYPE_ANY = "Any" NO_TYPE_HINT = "NoTypeHint" class DefType(Enum): FUNCTION = "function" METHOD = "method" STATIC_METHOD = "staticmethod" CLASS_METHOD = "classmethod" PROPERTY = "property" class FunctionInfo(BaseModel): name: str args: list[tuple[str, str]] return_type: str docstring: str source_code: str = "" type: DefType """若为类中def,则有""" is_async: bool class AttributeInfo(BaseModel): name: str type: str value: Any = None docstring: str = "" class ClassInfo(BaseModel): name: str docstring: str methods: list[FunctionInfo] attributes: list[AttributeInfo] inherit: list[str] class ModuleInfo(BaseModel): module_path: str """点分割模块路径 例如 liteyuki.bot""" functions: list[FunctionInfo] classes: list[ClassInfo] attributes: list[AttributeInfo] docstring: str def get_relative_path(base_path: str, target_path: str) -> str: """ 获取相对路径 Args: base_path: 基础路径 target_path: 目标路径 """ return os.path.relpath(target_path, base_path) def write_to_files(file_data: dict[str, str]): """ 输出文件 Args: file_data: 文件数据 相对路径 """ for rp, data in file_data.items(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(rp)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(rp)) with open(rp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(data) def get_file_list(module_folder: str): file_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(module_folder): for file in files: if file.endswith((".py", ".pyi")): file_list.append(os.path.join(root, file)) return file_list def get_module_info_normal(file_path: str, ignore_private: bool = True) -> ModuleInfo: """ 获取函数和类 Args: file_path: Python 文件路径 ignore_private: 忽略私有函数和类 Returns: 模块信息 """ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: file_content = file.read() tree = ast.parse(file_content) dot_sep_module_path = file_path.replace(os.sep, '.').replace(".py", "").replace(".pyi", "") module_docstring = ast.get_docstring(tree) module_info = ModuleInfo( module_path=dot_sep_module_path, functions=[], classes=[], attributes=[], docstring=module_docstring if module_docstring else "" ) for node in ast.walk(tree): if isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)): # 模块函数 且不在类中 若ignore_private=True则忽略私有函数 if not any(isinstance(parent, ast.ClassDef) for parent in ast.iter_child_nodes(node)) and (not ignore_private or not node.name.startswith('_')): # 判断第一个参数是否为self或cls,后期用其他办法优化 if node.args.args: first_arg = node.args.args[0] if first_arg.arg in ("self", "cls"): continue function_docstring = ast.get_docstring(node) func_info = FunctionInfo( name=node.name, args=[(arg.arg, ast.unparse(arg.annotation) if arg.annotation else NO_TYPE_ANY) for arg in node.args.args], return_type=ast.unparse(node.returns) if node.returns else "None", docstring=function_docstring if function_docstring else "", type=DefType.FUNCTION, is_async=isinstance(node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef), source_code=ast.unparse(node) ) module_info.functions.append(func_info) elif isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef): # 模块类 class_docstring = ast.get_docstring(node) class_info = ClassInfo( name=node.name, docstring=class_docstring if class_docstring else "", methods=[], attributes=[], inherit=[ast.unparse(base) for base in node.bases] ) for class_node in node.body: # methods [instance, static, class, property],保留__init__方法 if isinstance(class_node, ast.FunctionDef) and (not ignore_private or not class_node.name.startswith('_') or class_node.name == "__init__"): method_docstring = ast.get_docstring(class_node) def_type = DefType.METHOD if class_node.decorator_list: if any(isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == "staticmethod" for decorator in class_node.decorator_list): def_type = DefType.STATIC_METHOD elif any(isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == "classmethod" for decorator in class_node.decorator_list): def_type = DefType.CLASS_METHOD elif any(isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == "property" for decorator in class_node.decorator_list): def_type = DefType.PROPERTY class_info.methods.append(FunctionInfo( name=class_node.name, args=[(arg.arg, ast.unparse(arg.annotation) if arg.annotation else NO_TYPE_ANY) for arg in class_node.args.args], return_type=ast.unparse(class_node.returns) if class_node.returns else "None", docstring=method_docstring if method_docstring else "", type=def_type, is_async=isinstance(class_node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef), source_code=ast.unparse(class_node) )) # attributes elif isinstance(class_node, ast.Assign): for target in class_node.targets: if isinstance(target, ast.Name): class_info.attributes.append(AttributeInfo( name=target.id, type=ast.unparse(class_node.value) )) module_info.classes.append(class_info) elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign): # 检查是否在类或函数中 if not any(isinstance(parent, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)) for parent in ast.iter_child_nodes(node)): # 模块属性变量 for target in node.targets: if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and (not ignore_private or not target.id.startswith('_')): attr_type = NO_TYPE_HINT if isinstance(node.value, ast.AnnAssign) and node.value.annotation: attr_type = ast.unparse(node.value.annotation) module_info.attributes.append(AttributeInfo( name=target.id, type=attr_type, value=ast.unparse(node.value) if node.value else None )) return module_info def generate_markdown(module_info: ModuleInfo, front_matter=None, lang: str = "zh-CN") -> str: """ 生成模块的Markdown 你可在此自定义生成的Markdown格式 Args: module_info: 模块信息 front_matter: 自定义选项title, index, icon, category lang: 语言 Returns: Markdown 字符串 """ content = "" front_matter = "---\n" + "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in front_matter.items()]) + "\n---\n\n" content += front_matter # 模块函数 for func in module_info.functions: args_with_type = [f"{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}" if arg[1] else arg[0] for arg in func.args] content += f"### ***{'async ' if func.is_async else ''}def*** `{func.name}({', '.join(args_with_type)}) -> {func.return_type}`\n\n" func.docstring = func.docstring.replace("\n", "\n\n") content += f"{func.docstring}\n\n" # 函数源代码可展开区域 content += f"<details>\n<summary>源代码</summary>\n\n```python\n{func.source_code}\n```\n</details>\n\n" # 类 for cls in module_info.classes: if cls.inherit: inherit = f"({', '.join(cls.inherit)})" if cls.inherit else "" content += f"### ***class*** `{cls.name}{inherit}`\n\n" else: content += f"### ***class*** `{cls.name}`\n\n" cls.docstring = cls.docstring.replace("\n", "\n\n") content += f"{cls.docstring}\n\n" for method in cls.methods: # 类函数 if method.type != DefType.METHOD: args_with_type = [f"{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}" if arg[1] else arg[0] for arg in method.args] content += f"###   ***@{method.type.value}***\n" else: # self不加类型提示 args_with_type = [f"{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}" if arg[1] and arg[0] != "self" else arg[0] for arg in method.args] content += f"###   ***{'async ' if method.is_async else ''}def*** `{method.name}({', '.join(args_with_type)}) -> {method.return_type}`\n\n" method.docstring = method.docstring.replace("\n", "\n\n") content += f" {method.docstring}\n\n" # 函数源代码可展开区域 if lang == "zh-CN": TEXT_SOURCE_CODE = "源代码" else: TEXT_SOURCE_CODE = "Source Code" content += f"<details>\n<summary>{TEXT_SOURCE_CODE}</summary>\n\n```python\n{method.source_code}\n```\n</details>\n\n" for attr in cls.attributes: content += f"###   ***attr*** `{attr.name}: {attr.type}`\n\n" # 模块属性 for attr in module_info.attributes: if attr.type == NO_TYPE_HINT: content += f"### ***var*** `{attr.name} = {attr.value}`\n\n" else: content += f"### ***var*** `{attr.name}: {attr.type} = {attr.value}`\n\n" attr.docstring = attr.docstring.replace("\n", "\n\n") content += f"{attr.docstring}\n\n" return content def generate_docs(module_folder: str, output_dir: str, with_top: bool = False, lang: str = "zh-CN", ignored_paths=None): """ 生成文档 Args: module_folder: 模块文件夹 output_dir: 输出文件夹 with_top: 是否包含顶层文件夹 False时例如docs/api/module_a, docs/api/module_b, True时例如docs/api/module/module_a.md, docs/api/module/module_b.md ignored_paths: 忽略的路径 lang: 语言 """ if ignored_paths is None: ignored_paths = [] file_data: dict[str, str] = {} # 路径 -> 字串 file_list = get_file_list(module_folder) # 清理输出目录 shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(output_dir) replace_data = { "__init__": "README", ".py" : ".md", } for pyfile_path in file_list: if any(ignored_path.replace("\\", "/") in pyfile_path.replace("\\", "/") for ignored_path in ignored_paths): continue no_module_name_pyfile_path = get_relative_path(module_folder, pyfile_path) # 去头路径 # markdown相对路径 rel_md_path = pyfile_path if with_top else no_module_name_pyfile_path for rk, rv in replace_data.items(): rel_md_path = rel_md_path.replace(rk, rv) abs_md_path = os.path.join(output_dir, rel_md_path) # 获取模块信息 module_info = get_module_info_normal(pyfile_path) # 生成markdown if "README" in abs_md_path: front_matter = { "title" : module_info.module_path.replace(".__init__", "").replace("_", "\\n"), "index" : "true", "icon" : "laptop-code", "category": "API" } else: front_matter = { "title" : module_info.module_path.replace("_", "\\n"), "order" : "1", "icon" : "laptop-code", "category": "API" } md_content = generate_markdown(module_info, front_matter) print(f"Generate {pyfile_path} -> {abs_md_path}") file_data[abs_md_path] = md_content write_to_files(file_data) # 入口脚本 if __name__ == '__main__': # 这里填入你的模块路径 generate_docs('liteyuki', 'docs/dev/api', with_top=False, ignored_paths=["liteyuki/plugins"], lang="zh-CN") generate_docs('liteyuki', 'docs/en/dev/api', with_top=False, ignored_paths=["liteyuki/plugins"], lang="en")