import asyncio import base64 import io from urllib.parse import quote import aiofiles from PIL import Image import aiohttp import nonebot from nonebot import require from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12 from typing import Any from . import load_from_yaml from .ly_api import liteyuki_api from .ly_typing import T_Bot, T_Message, T_MessageEvent require("nonebot_plugin_htmlrender") from nonebot_plugin_htmlrender import md_to_pic config = load_from_yaml("config.yml") can_send_markdown = {} # 用于存储机器人是否支持发送markdown消息,id->bool async def broadcast_to_superusers(message: str | T_Message, markdown: bool = False): """广播消息给超级用户""" for bot in nonebot.get_bots().values(): for user_id in config.get("superusers", []): if markdown: await Markdown.send_md(message, bot, message_type="private", session_id=user_id) else: await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=user_id, message=message) class Markdown: @staticmethod async def send_md( markdown: str, bot: T_Bot, *, message_type: str = None, session_id: str | int = None, event: T_MessageEvent = None, retry_as_image: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """ 发送Markdown消息,支持自动转为图片发送 Args: markdown: bot: message_type: session_id: event: retry_as_image: 发送失败后是否尝试以图片形式发送,否则失败返回None **kwargs: Returns: """ formatted_md = v11.unescape(markdown).replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"') if event is not None and message_type is None: message_type = event.message_type session_id = event.user_id if event.message_type == "private" else event.group_id try: # 构建Markdown消息并获取转发消息ID forward_id = await bot.call_api( api="send_forward_msg", messages=[ v11.MessageSegment( type="node", data={ "name" : "Liteyuki.OneBot", "uin" : bot.self_id, "content": [ { "type": "markdown", "data": { "content": '{"content":"%s"}' % formatted_md } }, ] }, ) ] ) # 发送Markdown longmsg并获取相应数据 data = await bot.send_msg( user_id=session_id, group_id=session_id, message_type=message_type, message=[ v11.MessageSegment( type="longmsg", data={ "id": forward_id } ), ], **kwargs ) except BaseException as e: nonebot.logger.error(f"send markdown error, retry as image: {e}") # 发送失败,渲染为图片发送 if not retry_as_image: return None plain_markdown = markdown.replace("🔗", "") md_image_bytes = await md_to_pic( md=plain_markdown, width=540, device_scale_factor=4 ) data = await bot.send_msg( message_type=message_type, group_id=session_id, user_id=session_id, message=v11.MessageSegment.image(md_image_bytes), ) return data @staticmethod async def send_image( image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot, *, message_type: str = None, session_id: str | int = None, event: T_MessageEvent = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ 发送单张装逼大图 Args: image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径,链接请使用Markdown.image_async方法获取后通过send_md发送 bot: bot instance message_type: message type session_id: session id event: event kwargs: other arguments Returns: dict: response data """ if isinstance(image, str): async with, "rb") as f: image = await method = 2 # 1.轻雪图床方案 # if method == 1: # image_url = await liteyuki_api.upload_image(image) # image_size = # image_md = Markdown.image(image_url, image_size) # data = await Markdown.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, event=event, # retry_as_image=False, # **kwargs) # Lagrange.OneBot方案 if method == 2: base64_string = base64.b64encode(image).decode("utf-8") data = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}") await Markdown.send_md(Markdown.image(data,, bot, event=event, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, **kwargs) # 其他实现端方案 else: image_message_id = (await bot.send_private_msg( user_id=bot.self_id, message=[ v11.MessageSegment.image(file=image) ] ))["message_id"] image_url = (await bot.get_msg(message_id=image_message_id))["message"][0]["data"]["url"] image_size = image_md = Markdown.image(image_url, image_size) return await Markdown.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, event=event, **kwargs) if data is None: data = await bot.send_msg( message_type=message_type, group_id=session_id, user_id=session_id, message=v11.MessageSegment.image(image), **kwargs ) return data @staticmethod async def get_image_url(image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot) -> str: """把图片上传到图床,返回链接 Args: bot: 发送的bot image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径 Returns: """ # 等林文轩修好Lagrange.OneBot再说 @staticmethod def btn_cmd(name: str, cmd: str, reply: bool = False, enter: bool = True) -> str: """生成点击回调按钮 Args: name: 按钮显示内容 cmd: 发送的命令,已在函数内url编码,不需要再次编码 reply: 是否以回复的方式发送消息 enter: 自动发送消息则为True,否则填充到输入框 Returns: markdown格式的可点击回调按钮 """ if "" not in config.get("command_start", ["/"]) and config.get("alconna_use_command_start", False): cmd = f"{config['command_start'][0]}{cmd}" return f"[{name}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})" @staticmethod def btn_link(name: str, url: str) -> str: """生成点击链接按钮 Args: name: 链接显示内容 url: 链接地址 Returns: markdown格式的链接 """ return f"[🔗{name}]({url})" @staticmethod def image(url: str, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str: """构建图片链接 Args: size: url: 图片链接 Returns: markdown格式的图片 """ return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})" @staticmethod async def image_async(url: str) -> str: """获取图片,自动请求获取大小,异步 Args: url: 图片链接 Returns: 图片Markdown语法:  """ try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: image = return Markdown.image(url, image.size) except Exception as e: nonebot.logger.error(f"get image error: {e}") return "[Image Error]" @staticmethod def escape(text: str) -> str: """转义特殊字符 Args: text: 需要转义的文本,请勿直接把整个markdown文本传入,否则会转义掉所有字符 Returns: 转义后的文本 """ chars = "*[]()~_`>#+=|{}.!" for char in chars: text = text.replace(char, f"\\\\{char}") return text @staticmethod def H1(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H1标题""" return f"# {text}{end}" @staticmethod def H2(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H2标题""" return f"## {text}{end}" @staticmethod def H3(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H3标题""" return f"### {text}{end}" @staticmethod def H4(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H4标题""" return f"#### {text}{end}" @staticmethod def H5(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H5标题""" return f"##### {text}{end}" @staticmethod def H6(text: str, end="\n") -> str: """H6标题""" return f"###### {text}{end}" @staticmethod def Bold(text: str) -> str: """加粗""" return f"**{text}**" @staticmethod def Italic(text: str) -> str: """斜体""" return f"*{text}*" @staticmethod def BoldItalic(text: str) -> str: """粗斜体""" return f"***{text}***" @staticmethod def Underline(text: str) -> str: """下划线""" return f"__{text}__" @staticmethod def Strike(text: str) -> str: """删除线""" return f"~~{text}~~"