# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2020-2024 LiteyukiStudio. All Rights Reserved @Time : 2024/8/28 下午3:59 @Author : snowykami @Email : snowykami@outlook.com @File : output.py @Software: PyCharm """ import os.path from litedoc.style.markdown import generate from litedoc.syntax.astparser import AstParser def write_to_file(content: str, output: str) -> None: """ Write content to file. Args: content: str, content to write. output: str, path to output file. """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output)) with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def get_file_list(module_folder: str): file_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(module_folder): for file in files: if file.endswith((".py", ".pyi")): file_list.append(os.path.join(root, file)) return file_list def get_relative_path(base_path: str, target_path: str) -> str: """ 获取相对路径 Args: base_path: 基础路径 target_path: 目标路径 """ return os.path.relpath(target_path, base_path) def generate_from_module(module_folder: str, output_dir: str, with_top: bool = False, lang: str = "zh-Hans", ignored_paths=None, theme: str = "vitepress", style: str = "google" ): """ 生成文档 Args: module_folder: 模块文件夹 output_dir: 输出文件夹 with_top: 是否包含顶层文件夹 False时例如docs/api/module_a, docs/api/module_b, True时例如docs/api/module/module_a.md, docs/api/module/module_b.md ignored_paths: 忽略的路径 lang: 语言 theme: 主题 style: 样式 """ if ignored_paths is None: ignored_paths = [] file_data: dict[str, str] = {} # 路径 -> 字串 file_list = get_file_list(module_folder) # 清理输出目录 if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) replace_data = { "__init__": "index" if theme == "vitepress" else "README", ".py" : ".md", } for pyfile_path in file_list: if any(ignored_path.replace("\\", "/") in pyfile_path.replace("\\", "/") for ignored_path in ignored_paths): continue no_module_name_pyfile_path = get_relative_path(module_folder, pyfile_path) # 去头路径 # markdown相对路径 rel_md_path = pyfile_path if with_top else no_module_name_pyfile_path for rk, rv in replace_data.items(): rel_md_path = rel_md_path.replace(rk, rv) abs_md_path = os.path.join(output_dir, rel_md_path) # 获取模块信息 ast_parser = AstParser(open(pyfile_path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()) # 生成markdown front_matter = { "title": pyfile_path.replace("\\", "/"). replace("/", "."). replace(".py", ""). replace(".__init__", ""), } md_content = generate(ast_parser, lang=lang, frontmatter=front_matter) print(f"Generate {pyfile_path} -> {abs_md_path}") file_data[abs_md_path] = md_content for fn, content in file_data.items(): write_to_file(content, fn)