import asyncio import io from urllib.parse import quote import aiofiles from PIL import Image import aiohttp import nonebot from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12 from typing import Any from . import load_from_yaml from .liteyuki_api import liteyuki_api from .ly_typing import T_Bot, T_MessageEvent config = load_from_yaml("config.yml") class Markdown: @staticmethod async def send_md( markdown: str, bot: T_Bot, *, message_type: str = None, session_id: str | int = None, event: T_MessageEvent = None, **kwargs ) -> dict[str, Any]: formatted_md = v11.unescape(markdown).replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"') if event is not None and message_type is None: message_type = event.message_type session_id = event.user_id if event.message_type == "private" else event.group_id try: forward_id = await bot.call_api( api="send_forward_msg", messages=[ v11.MessageSegment( type="node", data={ "name" : "Liteyuki.OneBot", "uin" : bot.self_id, "content": [ { "type": "markdown", "data": { "content": '{"content":"%s"}' % formatted_md } }, ] }, ) ] ) data = await bot.send_msg( user_id=session_id, group_id=session_id, message_type=message_type, message=[ v11.MessageSegment( type="longmsg", data={ "id": forward_id } ), ], **kwargs ) except Exception as e: nonebot.logger.warning("send_markdown error, send as plain text: %s" % e.__repr__()) if isinstance(bot, v11.Bot): data = await bot.send_msg( message_type=message_type, message=markdown, user_id=int(session_id), group_id=int(session_id), **kwargs ) elif isinstance(bot, v12.Bot): data = await bot.send_message( detail_type=message_type, message=v12.Message( v12.MessageSegment.text( text=markdown ) ), user_id=str(session_id), group_id=str(session_id), **kwargs ) else: nonebot.logger.error("send_markdown: bot type not supported") data = {} return data @staticmethod async def send_image( image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot, *, message_type: str = None, session_id: str | int = None, event: T_MessageEvent = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ 发送单张装逼大图 Args: image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径,链接请使用Markdown.image_async方法获取后通过send_md发送 bot: bot instance message_type: message type session_id: session id event: event kwargs: other arguments Returns: dict: response data """ if isinstance(image, str): async with, "rb") as f: image = await image_url = await liteyuki_api.upload_image(image) image_size = image_md = Markdown.image(image_url, image_size) return await Markdown.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, event=event, **kwargs) @staticmethod async def get_image_url(image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot) -> str: """把图片上传到图床,返回链接 Args: bot: 发送的bot image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径 Returns: """ # 等林文轩修好Lagrange.OneBot再说 @staticmethod def button(name: str, cmd: str, reply: bool = False, enter: bool = True) -> str: """生成点击回调按钮 Args: name: 按钮显示内容 cmd: 发送的命令,已在函数内url编码,不需要再次编码 reply: 是否以回复的方式发送消息 enter: 自动发送消息则为True,否则填充到输入框 Returns: markdown格式的可点击回调按钮 """ if "" not in config.get("command_start", ["/"]): cmd = f"{config['command_start'][0]}{cmd}" return f"[{name}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})" @staticmethod def link(name: str, url: str) -> str: """生成点击链接按钮 Args: name: 链接显示内容 url: 链接地址 Returns: markdown格式的链接 """ return f"[🔗{name}]({url})" @staticmethod def image(url: str, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str: """生成图片 Args: size: url: 图片链接 Returns: markdown格式的图片 """ return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})" @staticmethod async def image_async(url: str) -> str: """获取图片,自动获取大小 Args: url: 图片链接 Returns: 图片bytes """ try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: image = return Markdown.image(url, image.size) except Exception as e: nonebot.logger.error(f"get image error: {e}") return "[Image Error]" @staticmethod def escape(text: str) -> str: """转义特殊字符 Args: text: 需要转义的文本,请勿直接把整个markdown文本传入,否则会转义掉所有字符 Returns: 转义后的文本 """ chars = "*[]()~_`>#+=|{}.!" for char in chars: text = text.replace(char, f"\\\\{char}") return text