import{_ as e,c as o,o as t,a4 as n}from"./chunks/framework.C3o_UkTa.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"FAQ","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"FAQ","order":3},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/deploy/","filePath":"en/deploy/","lastUpdated":1725101868000}'),a={name:"en/deploy/"},r=n('


Frequently Asked Questions

Other questions

  1. Lagrange.OneBot, based on Lagrange.Core, a Linux QQ implementation, supports OneBotv11 protocol
  2. LLOneBot, a plugin for Liteloader NTQQ, supports OneBotv11 protocol
  3. OpenShamrock, based on Lsposed, supports kritor protocol
  4. TRSS-Yunzai, based on Node.js, supports OneBotv11 protocol
  5. go-cqhttp,A QQ Client based on go, supports OneBotv11 protocol
  6. Gensokyo, use QQ protocol
  1. MinecraftOneBot, We develop a Minecraft server chat bot

Other project encountered issues, please prioritize the documentation and issues of the project itself, don't ask LiteyukiBot developers


',12),i=[r];function l(s,d,c,h,p,u){return t(),o("div",null,i)}const g=e(a,[["render",l]]);export{f as __pageData,g as default};