diff --git a/docs/en/dev/guide.md b/docs/en/dev/guide.md index 3a0b7bbf..f504b9cf 100644 --- a/docs/en/dev/guide.md +++ b/docs/en/dev/guide.md @@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ The `src` directory is the application part, please develop business logic in th - Ensure that the comment style is [`Google Docstring`](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html) or [`Liteyuki Docstring`](https://github.com/LiteyukiStudio/litedoc?tab=readme-ov-file#liteyuki-docstring)(recommended) to ensure that Litedoc can parse and generate documentation correctly. - If there is a part for ordinary users, ensure that the documentation is complete (each language has corresponding documentation). +- commit message should follow the following guidelines: + - You should commit the code after completing a feature or fixing a bug, and not mix the code of multiple features or bugs together. + - We use gitmoji to mark the type of commit, such as `:sparkles:` for introducing new features, `:bug:` for fixing bugs, etc., please refer to [gitmoji](https://gitmoji.dev/) for details. + - The format of the commit message is ` [module]: `, such as `:sparkles: [liteyuki.event]: add new feature`, + where the module field is the affected part, such as `liteyuki.message`, `docs.en.guide.md`, etc., not much is required, but please fill in as much as possible; the message field is a brief description, in summary, what you did. + - There is no restriction on the language of the commit message, and bilingual use is possible if conditions permit. - The documentation should follow [`Markdown`](https://www.markdownguide.org/) syntax and support vitepress-related content: - Revise the documentation for each language when editing. - Ensure that the links in the document are correct and do not lead to inaccessible links. diff --git a/docs/zh/dev/guide.md b/docs/zh/dev/guide.md index de9eb273..9384cff6 100644 --- a/docs/zh/dev/guide.md +++ b/docs/zh/dev/guide.md @@ -40,14 +40,21 @@ order: 0 ## 规范化 - 代码请遵循[`PEP8`](https://pep8.org/)和[`Google Python Style Guide`](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html) -- 此外,提交到轻雪仓库的代码,请遵循以下规范: +- 提交到轻雪仓库的代码,请遵循以下规范: - 请确保代码是可运行的,没有危害的。 - 请确保代码的类型提示是正确的。 - 请确保注释风格为[`Google Docstring`](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html)或[`Liteyuki Docstring`](https://github.com/LiteyukiStudio/litedoc?tab=readme-ov-file#liteyuki-docstring)(推荐)以保证Litedoc能够正确解析并生成文档。 + - 字符串请使用双引号`"`,尽量避免使用单引号`'`,但在嵌套字符串时可以使用单引号。 - 若有面向普通用户部分,请确保文档是完善的(每种语言都有对应的文档)。 +- commit message请遵循以下规范: + - 应在每次完成一个功能或修复一个bug后提交代码,不要将多个功能或多个bug的代码混在一起提交。 + - 我们使用gitmoji来标记commit的类型,如`:sparkles:`表示引入新功能,`:bug:`表示修复bug等,具体请参考[gitmoji](https://gitmoji.dev/) + - commit message的格式为` [module]: `,如`:sparkles: [liteyuki.event]: add new feature`, + 其中module字段为受影响部分,例如`liteyuki.message`,`docs.en.guide.md`等,不作过多要求,但请尽量填写;message字段为简短的描述,总结来说就是你干了什么。 + - 不限制commit message的语言,有条件可以使用中英双语。 - 文档请遵循[`Markdown`](https://www.markdownguide.org/)语法,并且支持vitepress相关内容: - - 编辑文档时每个语言的文档都要修订。 - - 请确保文档内的链接是正确的,不要出现无法访问的链接。 + - 修订文档时,每个语言的文档都要修订。 + - 请确保文档内的链接是正确的,不要出现无法访问的死链接。 - 请确保**用户文档**是通俗易懂的,**开发文档**是详细的。 ## 最后