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< span class = "token front-matter yaml language-yaml" > < span class = "token key atrule" > title< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > :< / span > 页面标题< / span >
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< / code > < / pre > < div class = "line-numbers" aria-hidden = "true" > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < / div > < / div > < h2 id = "页面信息" tabindex = "-1" > < a class = "header-anchor" href = "#页面信息" > < span > 页面信息< / span > < / a > < / h2 > < p > 你可以在 Markdown 的 Frontmatter 中设置页面信息。< / p > < ul > < li > 作者设置为 Ms.Hope。< / li > < li > 写作日期为 2020 年 1 月 1 日< / li > < li > 分类为 “使用指南”< / li > < li > 标签为 “页面配置” 和 “使用指南”< / li > < / ul > < h2 id = "页面内容" tabindex = "-1" > < a class = "header-anchor" href = "#页面内容" > < span > 页面内容< / span > < / a > < / h2 > < p > 你可以自由在这里书写你的 Markdown。< / p > < div class = "hint-container tip" > < p class = "hint-container-title" > 图片引入< / p > < ul > < li > 你可以将图片和 Markdown 文件放置在一起使用相对路径进行引用。< / li > < li > 对于 < code > .vuepress/public< / code > 文件夹的图片,请使用绝对链接 < code > /< / code > 进行引用。< / li > < / ul > < / div > < h2 id = "组件" tabindex = "-1" > < a class = "header-anchor" href = "#组件" > < span > 组件< / span > < / a > < / h2 > < p > 每个 Markdown 页面都会被转换为一个 Vue 组件,这意味着你可以在 Markdown 中使用 Vue 语法:< / p > < p > 2< / p > <!-- markdownlint - disable MD033 --> < ul > <!-- [ --> < li > 1< / li > < li > 2< / li > < li > 3< / li > <!-- ] --> < / ul > <!-- markdownlint - enable MD033 --> < p > 你也可以创建并引入你自己的组件。< / p > <!-- [ --> < p > < span > 输入: < / span > < input value = "Hello world!" > < / p > < p > < span > 输出: < / span > Hello world!< / p > <!-- ] --> < hr > < p > 主题包含一些有用的组件。这里是一些例子:< / p > < ul > < li > < p > 文字结尾应该有深蓝色的 徽章文字 徽章。 < span class = "vp-badge info diy" style = "background-color:#242378;" > 徽章文字< / span > < / p > < / li > < li > < p > 一个卡片:< / p > < a class = "vp-card" href = "https://mister-hope.com" target = "_blank" style = "background:rgba(253, 230, 138, 0.15);" > < img class = "vp-card-logo" src = "https://mister-hope.com/logo.svg" loading = "lazy" no-view > < div class = "vp-card-content" > < div class = "vp-card-title" > Mr.Hope< / div > < hr > < div class = "vp-card-desc" > Where there is light, there is hope< / div > < / div > < / a > < / li > < / ul > < / div > <!-- [ --> <!-- --> <!-- ] --> < footer class = "page-meta" > < div class = "meta-item edit-link" > < a href = "https://github.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot/edit/main/src/demo/page.md" rel = "noopener noreferrer" target = "_blank" aria-label = "在 GitHub 上编辑此页" class = "nav-link label" > <!-- [ --> < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class = "icon edit-icon" viewBox = "0 0 1024 1024" fill = "currentColor" aria-label = "edit icon" > < path d = "M430.818 653.65a60.46 60.46 0 0 1-50.96-93.281l71.69-114.012 7.773-10.365L816.038 80.138A60.46 60.46 0 0 1 859.225 62a60.46 60.46 0 0 1 43.186 18.138l43.186 43.186a60.46 60.46 0 0 1 0 86.373L588.879 565.55l-8.637 8.637-117.466 68.234a60.46 60.46 0 0 1-31.958 11.229z" > < / path > < path d = "M728.802 962H252.891A190.883 190.883 0 0 1 62.008 771.98V296.934a190.883 190.883 0 0 1 190.883-192.61h267.754a60.46 60.46 0 0 1 0 120.92H252.891a69.962 69.962 0 0 0-69.098 69.099V771.98a69.962 69.962 0 0 0 69.098 69.098h475.911A69.962 69.962 0 0 0 797.9 771.98V503.363a60.46 60.46 0 1 1 120.922 0V771.98A190.883 190.883 0 0 1 728.802 962z" > < / path > < / svg > <!-- ] --> 在 GitHub 上编辑此页< span > < svg class = "external-link-icon" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden = "true" focusable = "false" x = "0px" y = "0px" viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width = "15" height = "15" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M18.8,85.1h56l0,0c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4v-32h-8v28h-48v-48h28v-8h-32l0,0c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v56C14.8,83.3,16.6,85.1,18.8,85.1z" > < / path > < polygon fill = "currentColor" points = "45.7,48.7 51.3,54.3 77.2,28.5 77.2,37.2 85.2,37.2 85.2,14.9 62.8,14.9 62.8,22.9 71.5,22.9" > < / polygon > < / svg > < span class = "external-link-icon-sr-only" > open in new window< / span > < / span > <!-- --> < / a > < / div > < div class = "meta-item git-info" > < div class = "update-time" > < span class = "label" > 上次编辑于: < / span > <!-- --> < / div > < div class = "contributors" > < span class = "label" > 贡献者: < / span > <!-- [ --> <!-- [ --> < span class = "contributor" title = "email: snowykami@outlook.com" > snowy< / span > <!-- ] --> <!-- ] --> < / div > < / div > <
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