2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
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2021-01-16 01:05:01 +01:00
< meta name = "description" content = "Convert LaTeX math equations to PNG/JPG/SVG images, with transparent backgrounds and perfect LaTeX rendering" >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
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< script src = "latex2image-client.js" > < / script >
2021-01-16 01:05:01 +01:00
< title > LaTeX to image converter< / title >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
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< h3 > Convert LaTeX math equations to PNG/JPG/SVG images< / h3 >
2021-01-16 01:05:01 +01:00
< p > LaTeX2Image allows LaTeX math equations to be exported directly to multiple image formats, and saved for use in other documents.< br >
Enter in a LaTeX math equation and click “ Convert” . For a sample expression, click “ Show Example” . < a href = "https://github.com/joeraut/latex2image-web" target = "_blank" > Source code available on GitHub< / a > .
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
< / p >
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< div class = "container" >
< div class = "card" >
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< form >
< div class = "card-body" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< textarea class = "form-control" id = "latexInputTextArea" placeholder = "Enter LaTeX math equation" rows = "5" > < / textarea >
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< / div >
2021-01-18 00:56:47 +02:00
< div class = "form-row" >
< div class = "col-sm-6" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "outputFormatSelect" > Image format< / label >
< select class = "form-control" id = "outputFormatSelect" >
< option selected > PNG< / option >
< option > JPG< / option >
< option > SVG< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "outputScaleSelect" > Scale< / label >
< select class = "form-control" id = "outputScaleSelect" >
< option > 10%< / option >
< option > 25%< / option >
< option > 50%< / option >
< option > 75%< / option >
< option > 100%< / option >
< option selected > 125%< / option >
< option > 150%< / option >
< option > 200%< / option >
< option > 500%< / option >
< option > 1000%< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
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< / div >
2021-01-18 00:56:47 +02:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< div class = "form-check" >
< input class = "form-check-input" type = "checkbox" id = "autoAlignCheckbox" checked >
< label class = "form-check-label" for = "autoAlignCheckbox" >
Wrap input with < code > \begin{align*}< / code > and < code > \end{align*}< / code > automatically
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
2021-04-13 10:00:47 +02:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< div class = "form-check" >
< input class = "form-check-input" type = "checkbox" id = "transparentBackgroundCheckbox" checked >
< label class = "form-check-label" for = "transparentBackgroundCheckbox" >
Transparent background (for PNG)
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
2021-01-18 00:56:47 +02:00
< button class = "btn btn-primary" type = "button" id = "convertButton" >
< span class = "spinner-grow spinner-grow-sm d-none" role = "status" aria-hidden = "true" id = "convertSpinner" > < / span >
< span id = "convertButtonText" > Convert< / span >
< / button >
< button class = "btn btn-info" type = "button" id = "exampleButton" >
Show Example
< / button >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
< / div >
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< / form >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< br >
< div class = "container initiallyHidden" id = "result" >
< div class = "card initiallyHidden" id = "resultCard" >
< div class = "card-body" >
< img id = "resultImage" / >
< br > < br >
2021-01-18 00:56:47 +02:00
< a href = "#" class = "btn btn-primary" role = "button" id = "downloadButton" target = "_blank" download > Save Image< / a >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "alert alert-danger initiallyHidden" id = "errorAlert" > < / div >
< / div >
< br >
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2021-01-16 01:05:01 +01:00
< p > By < a href = "https://joeraut.com" target = "_blank" > joeraut.com< / a > | < a href = "https://github.com/joeraut/latex2image-web" target = "_blank" > source code< / a > < / p >
2019-01-20 21:40:10 +02:00
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2021-01-16 01:05:01 +01:00
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